Thursday, August 19, 2010
Do You Need A Massage? is his info, along with an awesome special right now.
Regular rate: $85 an hour, $110 for 90 minutes and $150 for two hours.
SPECIAL RIGHT NOW: $20 off first time clients. So, $65, $90 or $130.
Buy three, get one free! :)
Cash & credit cards accepted.
Eric 206-375-8862 or email him here by clicking here
If you tell him I referred you, I am sure he will sweeten the deal a bit too. Or else I will beat him up! :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Single Digits
I am such a planner and need things all detailed out. Through this experience, I have learned to let that go (to a point!) and just float. I am trying to float. Trying not to have a panic attack that I am not packed yet, that I am not sure how to get everything in, not sure what I will do on the train, not sure if I will find a camera to take, not sure how I am going to handle "playa time" and many many many more. Just going with the flow of things and allowing the universe to guide me. So far this year, it has mostly been a good thing.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
In two weeks....
Two weeks from now I will be on the playa. Setting up my tent and help set up the camp that I have only been a virtual part of so far. Mixed emotions going through me right now :) I am so excited and scared at the same time. I am such a planner, but out there I will be learning to let that go and just float.
Friday, August 13, 2010
I need this!
Pink Heart Beads
Thursday, August 12, 2010
more preparations
I am also trying to do a little research on my camelbak thing. I KNOW I need to stay hydrated and drink water. BUT, I have never been one to drink straight water. Even when I was a baby I would spit it out, yes, I know, I am weird ( but that is another story). I am sitting here tonight attempting to drink straight water and it just is not working well at all. Now, who knows, out on the playa, maybe the magic fairies will take over and I will be able to drink straight water, but, I am not planning on that. So, I am thinking a little flavor would be a good crystal light. But, wondering if it is OKAY to put that into the camelbak. I imagine that I would never get the flavor out of the bladder, but, that is okay, as it will be for Burning Man only anyway. But, is there any health issue with it? Last thing I will need out on the playa is to get sick.
Tent Taping
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Two weeks to go

Exactly two weeks ( and a few hours) until i leave for the burn. As I type this on my cool new phone, I realize that I have gone into a manic mode. I have not slept more than 4 hours for the past fee nights and my mind is racing like crazy. I know this is all in my brain, but I wish I could do something to slow it down and get out of this manicness. It will pass, always does. But, I dont want to make any bad or rash decisions or do anything stupid. So, I need some support please. Thanks. I will write more later as there is alot to tell that is going on!
Friday, August 6, 2010
19 days...
Today makes my 19 day mark until I leave on the train. CRAZY. I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this journey is really coming true and trying not to be scared of how it will all turn out.
Some of you have asked how you can help me right now in my final preparations. So, I am putting together a list of items that I still need. Maybe if you are out and see them onsale you can pick some up. Or, you can donate a small bit through paypal. No pressure at all, but, if you feel like you can, than I will gladly accept the help! :)
Here is the link to the page with supplies I need. I will try to keep it updated with things as I think of them:
Or...if you prefer to donate funds, here is the option you requested..